Our services

In order to meet to the best the expectations of our Clients, we organize our work around dedicated project teams. Thanks to this format provides Clients have an on-going contact with people in charge of the mission and may use their advice, assistance and experience as they choose. As a part of recruitment services, the results of psychometric tests may be added to the profiles of presented candidates


Search & Selection

Traditional recruitment and selection method used by consultants. Indirect searches are supported with database analysis and job offers posted on-line. The method may also be useful when there is a need to run complement recruitments with candidates prospected in direct search. This method of candidate prospection is recommended for expert positions.

Benefits for the Employer

  • time savings – the employer receives CVs of candidates who have already passed through an initial screening process
  • ability to reach out to valuable candidates, motivated to change their job
  • in-depth knowledge about competitors

Executive Search

Direct, active search of candidates for executive and middle level management positions. The method is used when it is not advisable to disclose the recruitment project and when expectations for applicants have been clearly defined. Our Executive Search offer includes:

  • definition of the search goals;
  • precise identification of the scope of duties;
  • analysis of the selected market segment;
  • identification of candidates;
  • presentation of applicants who meet recruitment requirements (in the form of a detailed report on their competences and skills);
  • cross-checking of applicants’ references.

Benefits for the Employer

Use of knowledge and experience of Premium Consultants Sp. z o.o. consultants; the job offer is presented to prospective employees which have undergone a rigorous screening process and offered to the candidate whose professional profile best suited to the employer’s requirements.


Outsourcing of HR functions

We take over the HR functions to the extent agreed with the Client.
The solution gives the Client a quick access to professional HR services without the need to build this function from scratch or to ensure an on-going competence development. Because we operate in a number of areas we may rely on experience gathered from a number industries.
With industry news from the market, we are able to better respond to undergoing changes.

Chcemy poinformować, że podjęliśmy wszelkie zalecane środki ochrony w stosunku do naszego zespołu, wobec kandydatów i naszych klientów aby uniknąć zagrożenia zarażenia Koronawirusem.
Nie przerywamy naszej działalności. Rozumiemy, że szczególnie w tej trudnej sytuacji nasi klienci potrzebują naszego ciągłego wsparcia w rekrutacji pracowników.
Jesteśmy do Państwa dyspozycji.
Służymy też pomocą z zakresie doradztwa kryzysowego związanego z problematyką HR z jaką przychodzi mierzyć się wszystkim firmom.
We would like to inform that we undertook all available precautions for our staff,  candidates and customers necessary to avoid Covid-19 danger.
We are operating continuously. We understand that especially in this difficult time our customers need our continuous suport.
We suport also crisis management for HR area in comapnies.