About the company

Premium Consultants Sp. z o.o. is a personnel consulting company with a long track record and the team of professionals with adequate background in handling recruitment projects. We provide the staff to our clients professionally and effectively.

Industries covered by our recruitment projects:

• Life sciences, Biomedical
• Manufacturing
• Power hydraulics,
• Finance,
• Insurance,
• Media,
• Digital Marketing,
• Construction,
• IT.

With the knowledge of these industries we are able to perform initial checks of applicants’ competence profiles. We know the specificities of companies and their staff. We are able to quickly come up with the pool of adequate candidates.

Premium Consultants Sp. z o.o. specializes in recruitment of people for middle and executive management positions and for expert jobs.

Recruitments requested by our Clients are usually done through:

• search and selection (with our own database pool); and
• direct search (direct method to prospect potential candidates).

By combining these two methods we can be truly effective and are able to reach the best, selected candidates – individuals who are motivated and willing to take new professional challenges. We take a tailor-made approach to each recruitment request, aligning our mode of action with the needs of our Client. Recruitment projects are executed according to the timeline agreed with the Client.

The lead time will be defined for each project and will depend on the scope of search (specialty, region etc.) and the availability of candidates in an industry.

Consultants from Premium Consultants Sp. z o.o. hold credentials required to run professional psychological tests. Upon the Client’s request, we are able to select and carry out tests matched with the position at hand.

We provide a guarantee for people which we hire; this is a security for the Client against additional costs of repeated recruitment process.

Do not hesitate to contact us!

Chcemy poinformować, że podjęliśmy wszelkie zalecane środki ochrony w stosunku do naszego zespołu, wobec kandydatów i naszych klientów aby uniknąć zagrożenia zarażenia Koronawirusem.
Nie przerywamy naszej działalności. Rozumiemy, że szczególnie w tej trudnej sytuacji nasi klienci potrzebują naszego ciągłego wsparcia w rekrutacji pracowników.
Jesteśmy do Państwa dyspozycji.
Służymy też pomocą z zakresie doradztwa kryzysowego związanego z problematyką HR z jaką przychodzi mierzyć się wszystkim firmom.
We would like to inform that we undertook all available precautions for our staff,  candidates and customers necessary to avoid Covid-19 danger.
We are operating continuously. We understand that especially in this difficult time our customers need our continuous suport.
We suport also crisis management for HR area in comapnies.